I was listening to Alan Colmes on the radio on the way home. He was poo pooing the millions of dollars that it would take to secure the border.
Leftists will spend:
They won't spend on:
I don't know why I subject myself to such garbage. It only irritates me.
Leftists will spend:
- $2.6 million to teach Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly while working. We're borrowing money from China to help prostitutes, in China?
- $45 million to pay the full price of Nebraska's Medicaid coverage to get Senator Nelson's vote on Obamacare (the Cornhusker Kickback).
- $300 more in Medicare money to Louisiana to buy a vote for Obamacare (Landrieu's Louisiana Purchase)
- Taxpayer dollars to pay for Georgetown Law students' birth control (Sandra Fluke). If not, then it's a "War on Women."
- Billions of dollars to bailout General Motors.
They won't spend on:
- Enforcing immigration laws.
- Securing the border by putting up fences or walls.
- Prosecuting violent criminals who use firearms in crimes.
- Arresting and prosecuting prohibited persons who fail the background check when trying to buy a firearm.
- Teaching children gun safety. This is paid for, by and large, by the NRA and individual parents.
- Anything involving gun violence beyond law enforcement. These costs are to be paid for, specifically, by gun owners through fees and taxes.
I don't know why I subject myself to such garbage. It only irritates me.