Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Health Care Reform = Redistribution of Income?

Oops!  After months and months of talking of bringing health care to the uninsured, helping those with "pre-existing conditions," and lowering the deficit (?, still don't get that one), Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont., Senate Finance Committee Chairman, by the way) has blabbed about how the "health care reform" law ". . . will have the effect of addressing that mal-distribution of income in America."

I'd like to see how much money the good senator has socked away in savings accounts, stock and bonds, real estate, 401k, and other investments; for us to judge whether it's an unjust amount considering some of the poverty across the nation, and the national debt.  Fair's fair, right?

FoxNews article on the Baucus slip

John Lott (who's blog I got the story from) has linked a video of Howard Dean agreeing with Baucus.

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